Join us Sundays @ 10am
We’d love to see you this week!
Our Sunday worship gatherings are spiritual inspiration, and a great place to find community. We celebrate Holy Communion on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month. Our worship services offer a dynamic mix of traditional and contemporary music.
What to Expect?
Do I have to be Lutheran to attend?
Everyone is welcome to be a part of services and events at Epiphany Lutheran Church. We are all children of God and we are happy that you wish to attend the services and activities. Our greeting to you is ‘Welcome to Epiphany Lutheran Church. We are very glad that you have chosen to be at worship today!’
Where Should I Park?
Epiphany has a large parking lot right beside our building. The parking is free and we welcome you to park there as there is accessible access into the building from the parking area.
Do I need to Check in?
There is no formal check in when you come to Epiphany. We have greeters who will welcome you and answer any questions you may have. You may sign the guest book if you like. You are welcome to speak to the greeters, assistants, and the pastor before or after the service.
Is Childcare Provided?
We have a wonderful ‘playroom’ that families are welcome to use. The worship service audio is played in the room so if you are with your children in the playroom, you can still hear the service. Our playroom is a family friendly space!
What Should I Wear?
There is no dress code for attending services and events. People are encouraged to wear clothing that they are comfortable in. Welcome!
Any other times you meet during the week?
At Epiphany there are a variety of weekly events and everyone is welcome to attend. We have an on going book study groups, Bible study group, Sunday School, Confirmation classes; we also have individual events such as luncheons following worship services, Soul Sisters Brunch, special services for Christmas and Easter. You can check our website to see new and ongoing events – you are welcome to attend!

Have A Question?
We’re here to help! If you have any questions about who where are, where we’re at, or how we do things, just ask!
Visit Us
200 Dalhousie Drive
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2Z1
Sunday Service