Epiphany's Outreach Program is designed to help and encourage disadvantaged members of our community especially children and to make Christ known through our actions. Recently we have become aware of the food insecurity issues facing students and their families. We have partnered with our neighbour, Dalhousie School to assist with items not funded by provincial and federal breakfast programs ie muffins, cheese, etc. Schools often keep emergency non-perishable food on hand to provide families with a meal in times of need. Epiphany collected non-perishable food donations for schools within the Pembina Trails School Division. Parc La Salle school in St. Norbert runs a Pantry Program which we have supported with food and monetary donations.
For the past two years Epiphany has partnered with Winnipeg Repair Education and Cycling Hub (WRENCH) to host a Bike Bazaar which provides children under 8 yrs old with a bike, helmet and bike lock. This has been successful and demonstrates the need in our community as each year we have run out of bikes. During the Bike Bazaar we host a Community BBQ. We also supported the Winnipeg United Way campaign for feminine hygiene products "Period Power"
Annually Epiphany hosts our Soul Sisters Brunch and the Parking Lot Christmas Open House in which members our the community are invited to participate. The goal is for others to see our mission in action "A Caring Christian Community".
If you are in need of a meal, pastoral care or a visit, please contact us.