Who We Are
Encouraging spiritual growth, a community for all!
Our vision is to make Christ known through a caring Christian community, that has an active vibrant worship and ongoing learning that inspires faith and service in all people.
What Do We Believe?
Everyone Belongs.
In any given gathering of people you’ll find all kinds of answers to that question, and it’s like that here at Epiphany. We don’t demand uniformity, and we’re pretty sure that God doesn’t either.
There are some things that we agree on, though:
- that Jesus Christ is at the heart of our life together, and that through his life, death, and resurrection God is bringing healing to everyone and to all creation. We also believe that Jesus enjoyed his time with all kinds of people – ones you’d expect and ones that would surprise you!
- that the Bible, from beginning to end, reveals to us the mercy, kindness, and peace of God, especially as that is shown to us in Jesus. Because of this, the Bible shapes our whole life together.
- that we are a part of an ancient tradition that gathers up people all over the world, and that our Lutheran tradition – like all the other Christian traditions - tells us very clearly about this same love and peace of God in Christ. And by the way, tradition is always changing and growing…
- that Jesus comes to us in real and tangible ways through water, the spoken word, bread and wine, and in the community of people (we call it the Body of Christ) all around us.
- that God welcomes all, and we try our best to do the same: all kinds of colours, histories, beliefs, abilities, sexual orientations and gender identities, the certain and the uncertain, the wealthy and poor and in-between.
That’s a bit about who we are. Come by and say hello – we’d like to get to know you!
Meet Our Pastor
Rev. Paul Sartison
I grew up further west, with the Rockies on my doorstep, but I’ve lived most of my life on the wide open lands of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In my years as a pastor I’ve served in rural and urban churches, in long-term care facilities, as a University chaplain, and now as pastor at Epiphany since February of 2017.
It’s a joy to go about my work here, and when work slows down you can find me playing outside on skis or bikes or walking shoes, or spending time with a book, a pen, a guitar or a bass.
I look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in our future as a church, a community, and city. I’d be glad to meet you along the way, so feel free to come by any time - to worship, to pray, to question, to find some peace and quiet, or just to say hello.
Join Our Community
Meet Our Team
Team Leaders
Sharon Kletke & Cathy Crone - Altar Care
Shirley Knipp - ELW Co-ordinator
Marlaine Willborn & Judy Dikkema - Epiphany Meal Team
Gale Schultz - Outreach
Dona Gould - Epiphany Quilting Group
Kareen Lyimo - Office Administration
Gale Schultz - Mutual Ministry Chair
Murray Burkett - Property Inside
Kelly Krentz - Property Outside
Monica Deck - Sunday School
Council Members
Elain Lochhead - Chairperson
Deanne Dombrosky - Vice Chairperson
Kelly Krentz - Secretary
Jennifer Palichuk- Treasurer
Angelika Katiniaris
Gale Schultz
Murray Burkett
Epiphany’s church council is a group of 7 dedicated volunteers, voted into the position by the membership of Epiphany. Our pastor attends all the meetings and is a non voting member. The purpose of the church council is to ensure the church is ‘well run’ and serves the members who belong to our church. We have monthly meetings (11 out of 12 months) during the year. We report our actions to our members through weekly verbal updates after our services and sharing information in our monthly newsletter. With our new website we will have a member’s section where all minutes and our church directory will be posted. Check it out!!
Each person on council takes on a role of service – treasurer, secretary, chairperson, co-chairperson, outreach, interior and exterior property, worship and music and members at large. At our meetings folks report back to the group, suggest activities and motions are made to accept reports and approve activities.
We have an Annual General Meeting the first Sunday in March where the past year is presented to the membership (in person and on line). At that time council members completing their three-year term may choose to stay for 1 more term or leave the council after their first term. New council members are nominated and voted by the membership to join the council. Persons can be part of council for up to 2 terms (6 years). Keeping our church running smoothly is the responsibility of all members, not just those who sit on church council. We need everyone to help make Epiphany an energetic and exciting church family.