Upcoming Events
Annual Perogy Luncheon
On Sunday October 6, 2024 following church service Epiphany Lutheran Church Council will be hosting our annual perogy luncheon. Free will offering. Funds raised will go towards capital improvements.
All are welcome!!!
Faith and Family Night
Our next youth event is the Bomber game on August 23rd.
Any youth (25 and under) plus a friend will be paid for by the church. Adults are also welcome to attend. You can purchase tickets through the link bluebombers.com/FAITH24 or email Deanne or Angelika on angelika.katiniaris@gmail.com and dgusdal@mts.net.
If you purchase the tickets yourself, please email Deanne or Angelika with how many are attending so we can keep track. Deadline will be August 18th.
Upcoming Fundraiser for Epiphany
Epiphany Church Council is once again hosting our annual perogy and Winkler Meat Fundraiser.
Order forms are available in the church office and are due on Sunday September 8, 2024. Orders can be paid for by cash, e-transfer or cheque. Perogies and Winkler meat will be delivered on or around October 3 ,2024. Items can also be picked up at our annual perogy luncheon on Sunday October 6, 2024.
Profits from the fundraiser will go towards Epiphany's capital improvements.
Should you have any questions OR to place any orders, please reach out to Jennifer at financial@epiphanychurch.ca or 204-275-7724.

2024 MNO Synod Youth WinterQuest
Epiphany Lutheran Church invites the youth to attend and bring a friend to 2024 MNO Synod Youth WinterQuest that will take place on February 10 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Starbucks.
There will be games, learning sessions, bonspiel, food, community-building, and lots of fun!!!
There is no cost as the church is paying the $10 fee and there will be adult supervision from our Church.
Group transportation will leave the Church at 9:00 a.m. Please let us know if you need transportation.
If you are interested in attending, please contact the Church Office at 204 269-2661 or email at office@epiphanychurch.ca

Knitting and Crocheting
If you enjoy knitting and crocheting, please join the group on January 26, 2023 at 1pm. On this day, the group will decide what they want to make and how often they will meet.
Save the date!

Christmas Open House
Monday, December 18th at 6:30 pm.
Join us for parking lot Open House celebrating Christmas with open fire, hot chocolate, music, and Christmas caroling.
Everyone Welcome!!!

Advent Luncheon
We will be having an Advent Luncheon following our Advent Service on Dec. 3rd. Mark your calendars!!

Advent Devotional
This is a new Advent Devotional from Kate Bowler. In her own words...
Here we are again at the precipice of Christmas. Sounds… ominous? Well, that’s probably because our bodies instinctively remember the knot of nervous energy that propels us through it all. The busyness. The hustle. The last-minute-wrapping. There are so many desires and longings wrapped up in every parcel, every must-make recipe and must-do tradition. We dream of creating a glistening Christmas for our families that makes us tired even before we’re finished imagining it.
But what if we could take all those ideals and see what’s underneath, at the root of it all? It’s our hopes for peace and joy and love for ourselves, our families, and for our world. And we say, God, show us again how this goes… How do we bless the Christmas we actually have?
Perhaps we can practice blessing our actual lives together this Advent.
If you are interested in this Advent Devotional, please let me know (echocrouton@gmail.com). We will meet once a week starting on Tuesday, Nov. 28th till Tuesday, Dec. 19th at 7:00 at the church or on-line.

Epiphany Lutheran Women’s Meeting
Please join us for our monthly Epiphany Lutheran Women’s meeting on Friday, November 17th at 1:00 p.m.
All women are welcome!

Monday Night Bible Study
The weekly Bible Study usually meets Monday nights from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm from the church and on zoom at the same time. We generally study the readings and gospel lesson for the upcoming Sunday. Pastor Paul leads this discussion and we welcome all to join in. Anyone interested can call the church office 204 269 2661

Shelmerdine Winter Fundraiser Program
Place all orders online by using the following link: https://fundraisers.shelmerdine.com/shop-fundraisers/ and choosing Epiphany Lutheran Church from the drop down menu at check out between November 1 until November 20, 2023. All items will be available for pick up at the church on Sunday December 3, 2023. Should you require assistance with placing your order online, please contact Jennifer at financial@epiphanychurch.ca.

Adult Education Study
Are you aware that ELCIC has over 24 social statements?
We are offering an Adult Education study on ELCIC social statements. Our second session will be on Wednesday, Oct. 25th at 7:00pm.
You are welcome to join us in person at the church, or if you’d like to join us online contact Cathy Crone echocrouton@gmail.com or Pastor Paul revpaul@epiphanychurch.ca for a zoom link.